Chapter 4 Closing

Each chapter contains some extra artwork for it. One for the start, one for the end.
They have a random chance to appear on the title screen after completing the chapter.

[ Akeha ]

- ​​​Twilight Assassin -
- Weapon Type: 2H Sword -

An assassin who serves a lord of some renown. She is efficient in her work, and none can claim to be her equal in the way of the sword.

The better she does, the more her lord comes to rely on her — yet she also yearns for a normal life, and can often be found enjoying the simpler things.

[ ​Shimmering Lotus​ ]

"Understood." The word contains no emotion for me. I have said it hundreds of times.
I am a puppet that obeys orders to kill. I snuff out emotions as I snuff out lives, and will do so until the day I rot away.
The age we live in determined my station from the moment of my birth — which is why I burn to at least live as myself.
"Understood." The day I said that to the girl, I felt an exhilaration unlike anything that had ever come before.

Proceed deeper into The Cage