Chapter 5

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Part I

Story template

Part II

A man makes his way along a mountain path buried in snow. There is no movement. No sound. Only a perfect wall of unbroken white. Though the sun is starting to set, the man's pace does not falter. When he encounters a crevice, he cuts down a tree to make a bridge. When the moon rises high in the sky, his footsteps do not slow. This mountain holds a wondrous charm for him, and no matter how dangerous it may be in the dark, he has absolute trust in his experience. Even when he finds himself surrounded by starving wolves, that trust does not waiver.

The man knows this to be a most precipitous mountain, one where no person has ever reached the summit. But he is an adventurer who has conquered many peaks in the past, and he eternally seeks the line between life and death within the harshest environments. This pursuit is his entire reason for living.

Part III

A tremendous cliff looms before the man—the final trial before the peak. If he can conquer this, the mountain will be his. He whispers encouraging words to himself, and though death lurks with every handhold and footfall, he finally reaches the top.

Though the mountain has supposedly never been climbed, he finds a ruined shrine waiting for him. He does not know how long it has been here or how old it is, but the sight of it stirs his adventurer's blood. But when he sets foot inside, he finds, impossibly, that his wife is waiting for him.

The baby is coming. she says, her words an echo in his mind.
Why did you leave us?

He rubs at his eyes fiercely, and when he reopens them, he sees not his wife, but the frozen corpse of a pregnant woman holding an all-too-familiar charm. The sight solidifies his resolution to return home to his family, and he turns and departs without a second thought.

Part IV

A lonely house sits in a forest of deep snow. As a pregnant woman minds the housework, a knock shudders the door. "It's Dad!" cries the woman's daughter as she leaps toward the door. But when she flings it open, the stoop is bare.
A trick of the wind, perhaps.

The two of them wait for the man to return home. They talk of how sad they are not to be with him, what they will do when he returns, and how their family is soon to be one member larger. Suddenly, the conversation is interrupted by the woman clutching her stomach in pain; the new life they were just speaking of is ready to be brought into the world.

The man awakens in the darkness to find himself lying at the bottom of the cliff just before the peak. I am already gone, he realizes with something approaching wonder. He never conquered the cliff, never saw a shrine; it was nothing but a fragment of a dream after he fell. Though he can no longer feel his fingers, he fumbles in his pocket to pull out the charm from his daughter. And with its faint warmth moving through his body, he slowly closes his eyes.