
The website itself is made by and hosted by  Seafoam Louise , who manages this project. However, this site could not have been made without resources from the below people / groups!

Applibot (Original game)
BillyCool (Color Cut, JP Record / Dark Memory videos, additional footage)
BuffMaister (Movie Cut)
DarkDullahan (Edited emotes for some characters on their profiles)
Four's Airship (Support and motivation to making this. Thanks all!! <3 )
friend (Reason for making the site. Thank you for Praying!!!)
Jaye Bird (Record / Dark Memories videos) (Inspiration for this approach to reviving the game) Team (Original source for a lot of images, text, etc.)
NieR Wiki Team (Original source for a lot of images, text, etc.)

And you; for your Prayers keep this game alive.