Record: The Cage of Reincarnation

For Records, they will not autoplay but still loop like the main story to prevent spoilers.

The video at the top is in English for narration and the video at the bottom is in Japanese. Both use different channel uploaders just in case something happens to the other channel.

If you would like to instead read a summary of the event, you can below.

Part I

Built to protect mankind, two androids fight the machines. The female is 2B: A powerful warrior who fights on the front line. The male is 9S: A support unit who aids 2B from afar. When they fight as one, nothing can stop them. But 9S has a secret: He wants to free 2B from her world of unending war.

One day, as they pursue yet another enemy, they find themselves making their way through a massive limestone cavern. Foes attack them and fall, one after the other. The machines stand no chance against them.

Part I​I

They proceed deep into the cavern, then deeper still. Finally, they reach their destination. The darkness is absolute. But the moment they step forward, they are enveloped in a brilliant red light. Only then does 9S realize his mistake. The enemy has been using electronic camouflage. There are machine lifeforms here — dozens of them. Suddenly, 2B emits a heartrending scream. She is infected with a virus — a weapon designed to destroy an android from the inside out. Her eyes begin to glow red. It is a worst-case scenario, and 9S knows the best thing for him to do is abandon the fight and retreat. But he refuses to even consider this option. He will save 2B. He must. For that is his purpose in life. In a desperate maneuver, he links himself to her infected mind and begins diving into its deepest, most hidden parts.

Part I​II

2B's mind is a maze—a labyrinth. Finally, he throws open a door and beholds a strange sight: Flickering memories of himself, all from the perspective of 2B. He sees himself in a forest of metal. A frozen ocean. A boiling desert. But he remembers none of this. And all the memories end in exactly the same way: With 2B killing him. She does so over. And over. And over. And over. And over. And over. But for each death, there is also a first meeting.

Each time, he says, "People who know me well usually call me Nines."
He says this dozens of times. Hundreds.

Part I​V

In another part of 2B's mind, 9S locates the virus and disables it. The enemy stumbles in response to the unexpected counterattack, and the two take advantage of the situation to escape. Later, 2B reports the completion of their mission.

As 9S lends his damaged companion a shoulder, he thinks:

"Why does 2B kill me? Why are my memories erased? And why do we always meet again?"

The answer eludes him, and he cannot find the words to ask. However...
So long as he remains in her mind... So long as a part of him is in her memory...
He doesn't care how many times she kills him.

Their fate is a never-ending spiral, and they cling to its threads.
So 9S walks on through the darkness.

This record event was directly linked to the NieR: Automata  crossover event.
As it included characters and weapons from prior entries, those are featured below!
This event also included the  "Mechanical"  costume series.

[ ​2B​ ]

- ​​Praying Battler -
- Weapon Type: 1H Sword -

A standard YoRHa combat android. This model uses swords to engage machine lifeforms at close range, and a support system called a Pod for long-range strikes.

While YoRHa are forbidden from having emotions, each model has its own personality, and 2B is relatively cool and collected when compared to other B-type models.

[ Notable Weapons​ ]

See on the right a list of notable weapons associated with this crossover event!

Some additional weapons related to past entries but not necessarily this event are also included.

Proceed deeper into The Cage