Before we proceed,​ let's clarify how this site works and how we'll format everything.

For the vast majority of this, you will enter a web page that includes content, instructions, and information. Most of these instructions are "watch this video until the end" or "read this document from the game."

When a page with a video appears, it will auto play for some due to spoiler images as thumbnails. It will also loop to prevent recommended videos from appearing that may be spoilers, so you can stop watching and go to the next page if that happens.

If you are not signed into YouTube or in Incognito or on mobile, embeds sometimes do not auto play. This might happen to you, so I would experiment with the first video. I unfortunately cannot solve this problem because it's just how YouTube embeds work. Additionally, sometimes YouTube will try to suggest "related videos," which I cannot entirely remove either; you can use a browser plugin such as Unhooked to disable recommended videos completely if you want to be extra safe.

For videos, you will often have a few options. 

Movie Cut
This will use English voice acting, and show UI elements from the game but also usually cut out filler battles (of which the game has many) that are not necessary and only serve as padding. It will be closer to the original experience of playing the game, but due to a bug in the game on emulators, the colors look a little darker. You will see some things like loading screens and other various parts that are not edited out. This is done by BuffMaister, who made the videos on "Drakengard/NieR: The Movie."

Color Cut
You can choose between either English or Japanese voice acting, and they use a different set of recordings of the game that try to remove UI visuals, and keep the colors of the game more accurate. Typos are fixed, various transitions into scenes are adjusted to try and be better as a cinematic experience, and there is much more editing. It makes the experience less accurate to the original game to try and make it a better experience. This is done by BillyCool, who has done this to help archive and preserve the game.

Note that the game stopped having English voice acting after the second arc (of three), so the movie cut will be using Japanese voice acting for the third arc.

As this site takes advantage of YouTube embeds, and as some videos are layered in ways that don't necessarily give everything needed for the full experience, some embeds in the second arc take advantage of timestamps. This will have the video stop itself and loop again once it gets to a specific timestamp, or start at a specific one. Please note that these work best on PC on a browser! In general, while the site is mobile-compatible, there are some quirks like that with how embeds work including that auto play issue mentioned in the spoiler disclaimer section). Using a PC with that plugin mentioned earlier to prevent spoilers will give the best, spoiler-free experience that this site intends, but you still can use mobile for it.

What if this site or its content goes offline one day?
Most of the videos used for this are notably on and I would update the site to link to there if something happens as a result. You may also archive this to the Wayback Machine if you like. Additionally, I can pay to renew the site domain leasing each year. If you'd like to help support that (so that I can pay in advance to keep the domain for a decade), you can see the link in the footer. Regardless, it's not expensive to host the site and I fully intend to keep the site up for years to come!

Now... let us proceed onwards!

Proceed deeper into The Cage