Chapter 8

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Part I

The woman awakens in a ruin. Her last memory is of being stabbed before shoving her husband off a cliff. Wondering why she is still alive, she wanders the ruin. She finds bodies littering the area, but knows not why they are there.

Suddenly she hears the clatter of approaching footsteps, which causes panic to well up inside her. But instead of a monster, the sounds belong to the allies she has fought alongside, as well as her missing husband. The two of them embrace fiercely, the moment made all the more joyful by the thought they would never see each other again.

Part II

The woman is brought to a hideout for former prisoners who have been deemed defective and disposed of. After escaping death in one way or another, the survivors hunkered down and began plotting to free their other fellow prisoners.

Though the woman enjoys this short moment of respite, when she tries to remember what happened after the incident at the cliff, pain shoots through her head. She cannot recall why she is here, or even why she is alive. As she and her husband talk, they hear that an army is closing in on their secret base — an army comprised of people who were once their fellow prisoners—and the couple knows their only choices are to fight or die.

Part III

Days later, when a quad of the former prisoners sneaks into the main base, the couple hide among them. Their plan is to enter HQ as an advance scout team, win over their fellow prisoners, and free them once and for all.

Inside the base, the couple search for escape routes. They realize this is the first time they have moved freely about the facility, and wonder why they had been so obedient back then. But as they search, the commander arrives once again to answer their questions. He tells them how humanity died out long ago, and how the prisoners are all clones implanted with false memories that motivate them to fight against the Flowers. He then informs the woman that she must face her final test, causing pain to shoot through her head once more.

Part IV

They never had a child. They never spent peaceful days together.
They were being used in experiments with no clear purpose in a world that no longer even had a government. And as she realizes all this, the woman also remembers what happened after she was stabbed.

Kill the enemy.
That is what she had been told — no, how she had been programmed.
The enemy is now her husband, and her final test is to see if even her false self can be turned into an obedient weapon of carnage. But as her consciousness fades, she musters all of her strength and resists until the very end.

Soon, an announcement rings out signaling the end of the experiment.

The woman never moves again.