Chapter 12 Closing

Each chapter contains some extra artwork for it. One for the start, one for the end.
They have a random chance to appear on the title screen after completing the chapter.

[ Levania​ ]

- ​​​Dark Monster -
- Weapon Type: Fist -

A type of monster that devours human dreams in order to become human itself.

What drives this desire to become human, you ask? Though he had once assumed it was a compulsion born of simple instinct, he has since discovered an answer to that question that is all his own.

[ ​Entwined Hands​ ]

A dark monster finds a sad girl in The Cage. Wanting to become human, he offers to eat her dreams — though he did not know why he wants to be human.
As they move deeper into The Cage, the girl chatters on. It annoys the monster at first, but he slowly finds himself opening up to her innocent ways.
After eating her dreams, the monster and girl switch forms. To restore her, the monster starts collecting dreams again, for he now has found his answer.
Finally, the monster finishes his task and switches forms again. And when the girl asks why he wasn't able to become human, he says "It is all right."

Proceed deeper into The Cage