Chapter 10 Closing

Each chapter contains some extra artwork for it. One for the start, one for the end.
They have a random chance to appear on the title screen after completing the chapter.

[ Griff​ ]

- ​​​Harmonious Captain -
- Weapon Type: Gun -

A young captain whose subordinates call him a coward due to the amount of withdrawal orders he issues and his rather timid composure.

He once rejected a boy who offered to serve on a strike team before an operation; when the boy vanished soon thereafter, he found himself worrying about him.

Was this because of his fearful personality, or did something else stir deep inside his heart?

[ ​Handgun of Protection​ ]

"I wish the captain would get it together."
"Maybe he hates being called a coward."
"He retreated so damn fast last time!"
"We're alive. Ain't that enough?"
"He's usually so quiet, you know?"
"Right? Guy only perks up during battle."
"Like how he worried about that kid."
"Yeah, I hear rumors about his past..."
"Guess he was a hot-shot back in the day."
"Still, you can't fake his recent success."
"You think retreats are a strategy?"
"I think he looks out for us."
"Leave him behind and retreat!?"
"Yep. Direct orders from the captain."
"Screw that! I'm goin' back in there!"
"Sounds like we're on the same page."

Proceed deeper into The Cage