Chapter 6 Closing

Each chapter contains some extra artwork for it. One for the start, one for the end.
They have a random chance to appear on the title screen after completing the chapter.

[ Levania​ ]

- ​​Human Monster -
- Weapon Type: Fist -

The dream-eating monster ate a girl's dreams and became human. Aside from the color of its garments, it looked exactly like the little girl. But the monster lost so much in exchange for taking on this form.

[ ​Scar and Sin​ ]

Once upon a time, there was a scary monster who loved to eat human dreams.
He ate and ate the dreams so he could become human. And when a little girl gave him her dreams, he ate those as well.
After a time, the monster decided that once he turned human, he would become the girl's friend.
But when he did turn human, the girl became a monster in exchange and went somewhere far, far away. The End.

Proceed deeper into The Cage