Chapter 1 Closing

Each chapter contains some extra artwork for it. One for the start, one for the end.
They have a random chance to appear on the title screen after completing the chapter.

[ Rion​ ]

- Sickly Exile -
- Weapon Type: Staff -

A young prince who travels with a bandaged, taciturn man. Due to his royal lineage, he is often targeted by both bounty hunters and common citizens dissatisfied with the current state of affairs.

Given these dangers, why does he continue this journey?

[ Everlasting Cardia​ ]

I walk through a dusty wasteland. Sand blows into my hair. My mouth. My eyes. I wonder then if he is all right, and when I turn to look, our eyes meet.
Hoping to brush it off, I quickly ask if we're going the right way. Directions are near to meaningless in this hellscape; dust obscures your vision, and the barren land extends to the horizon in every direction.
He responds that we are, indeed, on the right path. As I murmur a word of thanks, a thought occurs to me: "This road is just like life."
Our destination may be right before our eyes or a thousand miles away—there is no way to know the answer. Yet the one thing I do know is this: He is the only reason I keep moving forward without losing myself.

Proceed deeper into The Cage