ROD Levania: Playtime With the Monster Closing

[ ​​Levania​ ]

- ​​​​​​​​​​​Frozen-Heart Beast -
- Weapon Type: Fists -

The boy takes the hand of the injured girl and runs. They run and they run, all so he might take her away from everything that causes her hurt.

He believes there is a place she can live without pain. But a child's destructive urges are nothing before an adult. They scream for help. They yell in rage. But none of it reaches the adult's ears. Now, alone in a dark room, the boy's imagination runs wild. He sees himself as a monster that destroys everything.

"I'll be reborn into a monster strong enough to save my friends."

[ ​Karmic Sin ]

The dream-eating monster. Black armored body. Revolting insect wings. All have seen this creature as they sleep.
All forget they have seen this monster in dreams. Yet in a dark corner of their memory, he exists. Though they never recall him, they all know him.
In eras across time, in lands across space, people unconsciously bring the monster to life. In fairy tales, picturebooks, and video games, they tell his tale. Perhaps they secretly hope to meet him.
The monster lurks in your dreams. Even if you are alone, he is ever with you. Thus, we are never truly alone.

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