ROD Akeha: The Infallible Blade Demon Closing

[ ​​Akeha​ ]

- ​​​​​​​​​​​F-H Swordmaster -
- Weapon Type: 2H Sword -

One slice. Another. Sundered flesh, splattered blood — her arms delight as she wields her blade like an extension of her body. Those radiant days, the moments she spent with the girl — quashed like a child's toy and shattered before their prime. A killer protecting the life of another? A foolish notion. She stares with clouded eyes and bloodied kimono at her cold body, reminded of the downpour on the night she met the girl.

"How cruel God is, teasing us with a fleeting dream."

[ ​​​​Black Lotus ]

You taught me to walk the path of carnage. No matter how I wailed, you stared down at me, expression never changing. Like the superhuman divine, your spirit was transcendent.
You were everything that caused my heart to stir. You freed me from a world of captivity. As we lived our quiet, peaceful lives, I would sometimes see on your face the shadows of the burden you once bore. Though powerless, I thought I could chase away your melancholy.
After you betrayed your house, you grew dull, the cold clarity in your eyes fading away. Yet you cannot hide it — you dance like a demon among countless blades. If my blood could sharpen you, I would gladly offer my neck.
You gave me so many joyful days. It is because of your immense strength that you do not know how to care for yourself, is it not? Your life is surely beyond my comprehension, but regardless, you are happiness embodied to me.

Proceed deeper into The Cage