EX Yudil: The Liberated Duo

[ ​​​Yudil​ ]

- ​​​​​​​​​​​Reborn Usurper -
- Weapon Type: 2H Sword -

This is a story of when the boy made his fame as a thief.

A young thief sneaks into the Thieves' Graveyard, defying the wishes of his companions. There, he encounters a terrifying woman who sees straight through his past. When they escape and cross the desert beneath a sea of stars, the woman continues to lay his past bare. Unable to stand it anymore, he brandishes his knife — but he is no match for her.

When he wakes, he is naked in the sand. Though the woman stole everything precious to him, he came to learn of something more important than fine clothes or thievery.

[ Gilded Blade ]

Can't stick with the boss anymore. Sneaking into the Thieves' Graveyard? He's mad! We've been through a lot over the years, but this is a step too far, even for me.
Things fell apart on the way home after escaping the Graveyard. It was the kid's fault, of course — he treats us like dogs. Worst part is that he's more talented than any of us and we know it.
Everyone knows who he is: He leads the nation's best thieves guild and takes everything he wants. The way he acts... The way he steals... Every thief in the land wants to be just like him.
Finally saw the kid in town. Was relieved to see him alive, but shocked at how different he was. What happened to his bejeweled clothes? His sharp gaze? Did he get a girl? Oh, my brother...

Proceed deeper into The Cage