EX Griff: A Bloody Medal Closing

[ ​Griff​ ]

- ​​​​​​​Reborn Has-Been -
- Weapon Type: Gun -

This is the story of when the ambitious young man was yet a footsoldier.

He had long dreamed of a medal of honor, so he ignored orders and struck out for glory — and the price of his actions was the lives of his comrades.

But the medal was given to him despite the fact his actions had killed dozens. When this happened, he no longer knew the meaning of honor, and so began a desperate search for the answer.

[ ​​​​​​Handgun of Aid ]

The man traveled to many battles.

He distinguished himself in all of them, and achieved great fame and glory.
The man took many lives.

He mercilessly shot down any who defied him as he snuffed out enemy after enemy.
The man saved many lives.

He killed the enemies who endangered his homeland, thus saving all who inhabited it.
After his death, a medal of honor was created in his name, and any who earn it win both great glory and a model of the man's favorite gun.

Proceed deeper into The Cage