EX 063y: Hope's Barren Flower Closing

[ ​F66x​ ]

- ​Reborn Inmate -
- Weapon Type: Staff -

This is the story of when the imprisoned woman was yet human.

There was once a genetic engineer who sought to fill the world with life. But instead of creating lush green plants, her research gave birth to the Flowers — horrid creatures that multiplied throughout the world by devouring humans. Eventually, she adopted a plan to atone for her sins — and though it was a fool's errand, it was the only one she had left.

[ ​​​​BSE_TypeMW ]

The girl dreamed of becoming a doctor. She wanted to heal her mother's legs, which had grown weak from overwork.
Day after day, the girl shunned play so she could diligently study. But everyone around her poked fun, for they did not think one such as her could become a doctor.
But the girl did not give up; she stuck with her studies and gave it her all. Eventually, she won over her doubters, and all who knew her came to support her.
Centuries later, she finally realized her wish. She exchanged the worn-out parts and healed her mother's legs, and went on to be considered the finest android doctor in the land.

Proceed deeper into The Cage