EX 10H: Copied Floral Silhouette Closing

[ ​​10H​ ]

- ​​​​​​​​​​Reborn Warden -
- Weapon Type: 1H Sword -

There was once an android girl who sought the truth.

She spent her days carrying out menial tasks with her support unit, a Pod. One day, she learned that her Pod was betraying her. But its betrayal was ultimately a misunderstanding born of love. When they tell each other their true feelings, they decide to walk hand in hand. A year soon passed since the girl took up her post. The Pod discovered a red artificial flower at the base. It was the very same kind of flower children were said to give to their mothers long, long ago.

[ ​​​​Type-127 Sword ]

Special report to all Pod 006s:
A magnetic storm has occurred on the surface of the moon near the base. Please verify the integrity of your saved data.
Report: Integrity of all data within jurisdiction confirmed. No apparent problems detected. (Wait a moment — part of the data was inverted by the storm. I reported no problems, but the other Pods might notice...)
Report: Concluded my personal scans. No anomalies detected. (For whatever reason, black data has been flipped and is now white. The primary scan reported no problems, so perhaps the changes are insignificant.)
Query: Are three checks necessary? Don't we all possess the same thought processes? (And yet...I've detected an unexpected payload, though I can't pinpoint where. Could it be a benevolent force? Or will it become a threat?)

Continue towards Earth