EX 063y: Operation: Black Lily Closing

[ ​063y​ ]

- ​​​​​Reborn Convict -
- Weapon Type: 2H Sword -

This is the story of an empty man who gained a reason to live.

There was once a man who watched over his unconscious wife after she had been injured in a battle with the Flowers. The man cursed himself for his allowing her to be wounded so, and swore to gain the strength to prevent such a thing from ever happening again — no matter what tragedies might arise from such a decision.

[ ​​​​BSE_TypeLS ]

There was once an android soldier who did not fear death. He wielded a great blade and wandered from battle to battle, learning how to use his endless life by watching others being stolen.
One day, the soldier found a gorgeous red rose blooming on the battlefield. It stole the android's heart in an instant, causing emotions he thought lost ages ago to come gushing forth.
The android fought for the rose, cutting down anything that might cause it harm. He was overjoyed to finally be fighting to protect something, and not to simply take a life.
When peace finally came, the android realized the red rose was that color because it was splattered with blood. But he still wanders the battlefield in an endless search for beauty.

Proceed deeper into The Cage